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Bluewater International Granfondo 2019

Bluewater International Granfondo 2019

04augAll DayBluewater International Granfondo 2019Register


August 4, 2019 All Day(GMT-05:00)


Event Details

Bluewater International Granfondo is part personal challenge and part serious competition with riders having four routes to choose from. The event will not be timed from start to finish as in traditional racing formats but instead will have timed sections.

There are three routes to choose from all of which will take in some outstanding views of Lambton County including finishing along the stunning shores of Lake Huron. There is no start to finish time as in traditional racing formats but rather timed sections that count toward the riders competition time. This means you can take your time between race sections, stop at the Fuel Stations and regroup to enjoy the ride with your friends and teammates.

At the finish a hot meal and beverage awaits you as well as finisher medals. It is a must do for both cycling enthusiasts and first timers. Whether you are looking to experience the enjoyment of riding on quite country roads or through thriving fruit orchards or challenge yourself on the rolling hills of Arkona you will find it all in this area of outstanding natural beauty.




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